Source utilizes breakthrough methods for empowerment, freeing human potential, and creating vision and purpose.
Man has a limitless source of power and inspiration when the right space is opened for manifestation.
For long-lasting problems (blocked inspiration, movement and productivity) there are often simple and fast solutions available, using a natural and holistic method of transformation and change. The fullness of that approach involves the physical, energetic, emotional and inspirational realms.
Obstructive patterns are rooted in limiting belief systems, often deeply anchored in the subconscious.
Source uses a natural process, stemming from a wide experience in coaching, training and consulting: methods from empowerment, leadership-development and ecological system approach.
Application of natural laws and processes give the life force the opportunity to flow once again, so that inspiration, passion and forward movement are freed.
Where the road of effort leads to patterns of (self-) sabotage, it is possible to find the natural “path of least resistance.”
Solutions are already available in the blueprint of the individual, team and organization—listening to “that which wants to manifest” and then stepping over that threshold into a new reality.
This is a living process of restoring a healthy flow and patterns by opening the “hidden design” that gives way to “the New.” Recognizing and using “the hidden gold” in the resistance on the threshold creatively opens doors to empowerment, new patterns and inspiration.